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  • Explicit teaching is an effective pedagogy which can be used to enhance students' learning of mathematics. It provides strategies for the teacher which help them to design and present instruction and learning to students in a meaningful way. Six explicit teaching modules have been designed around seven essential components of explicit teaching, identified through analysis of mathematics education research. The modules are intended for use by Australian primary school teachers and have been developed in conjunction with the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers (AAMT).

    The Explicit teaching modules are aligned to the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) professional standards.

    The modules include lessons and activities that might be used to teach mathematics concepts from the Australian Curriculum.

    Explicit Teaching in Maths has been designed to allow you to select modules relevant to your needs and interests; modules can be completed in any order. ‘What is explicit teaching?’ is a useful starting point as it provides a useful grounding into the essential components of explicit teaching.

Available courses

Develop your knowledge of mental strategies and how to select strategies that are efficient and appropriate.

Explicit teaching

What explicit teaching is, what it's not and where explicit teaching fits into the teacher toolbox.

Discover how to structure lessons to incorporate the essential components of explicit teaching.

Explore a lesson on equivalent fractions demonstrating how language can help students understand concepts.

Investigate using intuitive strategies and facilitating discourse to make mathematical ideas explicit.

Explore how to make inferences from student assessment tasks when making explicit teaching decisions.